Hydraulic Seals –Hydraulic Rod Seals
活塞杆密封件应用于缸体内部的液体密封。它们位于缸头外部,对缸杆进行密封,以防止液体从缸内泄漏到缸外。 Rod seals are used in hydraulic cylinders for fluid sealing. They are external to the cylinder head and seal against the cylinder's rod, preventing leakage of fluid from within the cylinder to the outside.
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions offers a wide range of hydraulic rod seals that provide the ultimate in protection from ingress of media. This includes O-Ring energized Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) seals, polyurethane (PU) U-Cups, and many more. Our proprietary rod seal designs meet users’ requirements for low friction, compact form and simple installation.
活塞杆密封件主要采用以 Turcon 聚四氟乙烯为主的材料或者 Zurcon 聚氨酯材料制造。这些材料专为流体力学应用设计,提供的耐磨性和出色的抗挤出特性。几乎与所有介质兼容,该产品在温度条件下所表现出的性能。 A hydraulic rod seal is usually manufactured in our Turcon PTFE based material or Zurcon polyurethane. Specially engineered for fluid power applications, these compounds provide exceptional resistance to wear and outstanding extrusion properties. Options are available that are compatible with virtually all media, they demonstrate unrivalled temperature performance.
Selemaster SM
Turcon AQ Seal 5 with Bean Seal
作为标准TurconAQ Seal的进一步发展,双作用TurconAQ Seal5包含弹性体。四环密封和动态密封面中的弹性体或聚氨酯豆密封它由两个O形圈通电以改善密封性能。A further development of the standard Turcon AQ Seal, the double-acting Turcon AQ Seal 5 incorporates an elastomer. Quad-Ring Seal and an elastomer or polyurethane Bean Seal in the dynamic sealing face. It is energized by two O-Rings to improve sealing behavior.
Turcon AQ Seal with Bean Seal
为密封流体和气体等两种介质而开发的一种双作用O形密封圈。它包含一个有限的足迹聚氨酯豆密封嵌入到动态密封面安装在符合ISO 7425的凹槽中。A double-acting O-Ring energized seal developed for sealing between two media such as fluid and gas. It incorporates a limited footprint polyurethane Bean Seal inset into the dynamic sealing face. Installed in grooves to ISO 7425.
Turcon Double Delta
双作用密封元件,由弹性体O-RING提供能量。TurconDoubleDeltaSeal可以在现有O-Ring Grooves((《美国标准,568a,Mil-P-5514》)和显示良好的摩擦性能,stick-slip free starting and excellent dry-running。The Turcon Double Delta is a double-acting sealing element which is energized by an elastomer O-Ring. The Turcon DoubleDelta seal can be fitted in existing O-Ring grooves (US standard AS 568 A, MIL-P-5514) and demonstrates good friction properties, stick-slip free starting and excellent dry-running. The Turcon Double Delta is used in light and medium-duty industrial hydraulic.
Turcon Glyd Ring
Turcon Glyd Ring是双作用、O-形圈施力的活塞密封件,用于动态用途. Turcon Glyd Ring呈现摩擦小、无爬行、起动力*小和非常耐磨.主要用途:导向缸和定位缸.
Turcon Glyd Ring T
TurconGlyd RingT的进一步开发提供了更好的泄漏控制和更好的抗挤压性能。它是一种双作用O形圈带电杆密封,用于动态应用,可安装在符合ISO 7425的凹槽中。它提供低摩擦,无粘滑,*小的爆发力和高耐磨性。A further development of the Turcon Glyd Ring T provides improved leakage control and better resistance to extrusion. It is a double-acting O-Ring energized rod seal for dynamic applications that can be installed in grooves to ISO 7425. It offers low friction with no stick-slip, minimal break out force and high wear resistance.
Turcon Stepseal 2K
单作用、O-形圈施力的活塞密封件,用于动态用途,安装在封闭式沟槽中,包括符合ISO 7425的沟槽.密封效果好、摩擦小、无爬行、起动力*小和非常耐磨.通过把Stepseal 或 Rimseal与双作用防尘圈串联布置,实现*佳的密封特性. Turcon 或 Zurcon材料都有货。
V型特康斯特封 (杆用)
一种O形圈施力的单作用活塞杆密封件。其针对动态应用的流体静压释放通道,可在任何使用条件下防止密封件间产生困压。可安装在符合 ISO 7425 标准的封闭式沟槽中。的密封有效性,低摩擦、无爬行,起动阻力*小和高耐磨性。 推荐与特康或佐康材质的用作第二级密封的杆用密封配套使用
Turcon Variseal M2
Turcon Variseal W
Turcon Variseal W是一种单作用杆密封件,通过特殊的螺旋弹簧施力, Turcon Variseal W的优点是摩擦小和恒定的预载荷力作用在相对大的变形范围. Turcon Variseal W用在摩擦必须保持在窄公差区间的用途,例如压力开关.
Turcon VL Seal
VEEPAC是一套纤维加固、非常耐磨的人字形密封圈总成,带有支承圈和压力施力圈. VEEPAC密封件设计成带有施加了预载荷的径向唇口,保证良好的密封效果.它们非常坚固,对密封表面的光洁度和尺寸的调整不敏感. VEEPAC密封件特别适合用于有要冒风险和有污染的用途。
Zurcon Buffer Seal
Zurcon L-Cup
Zurcon L-Cup是新型单作用杆密封件,是U-形圈的替换物和高效的新型密封系统元件,提供*佳的密封性能和延长使用寿命,摩擦特别小,非常耐磨,逆泵送能力,静态和动态密封性能都很好。
Zurcon Rimseal
Zurcon Rimseal是单作用杆密封件,由弹性O-形圈施力.其几何形状产生的压力特性与Turcon Stepseal 2K相似,因此静态和动态密封性能都很好.安装空间与使用Turcon Stepseal 2K是一样的,这就使得Zurcon Rimseal成为一种理想的第二道密封系统元件,主要应用场合是具有冗余密封系统和双拭尘圈的杆密封件,即工程机械液压件、机床和注塑机以及普通机械结构.
Zurcon U-Cup
活塞杆密封件存在于压力和摩擦中,长期服务时间是活塞密封的一个特殊要求。ZurconU-Cup RU9本身具有杰出的摩擦和抗挤压力,同时与多种介质相容,能在不同的气温下运行,摩擦力低。它的尺寸精确易于安装。
Zurcon Wynseal M
Trelleborg 特瑞堡密封系统是的密封解决方案供应商。 我们的产品范围包括 O形圈 , 液压密封件 , 旋转密封件 , 油封 , 静态密封件 , 气动密封件 , 机械端面密封件等等。 Trelleborg Sealing Solutions is a leading global supplier of sealing solutions. Our range of products includes O-Rings , hydraulic seals , rotary shaft seals , oil seals , static seals , pneumatic seals , mechanical face seals and many more.